Wole Soyinka is based on the incredible true story of the Nigerian playwright and political activist, Professor Akinwande Oluwole Soyinka popularly known as Wole Soyinka. The historical movie tells the untold story from his childhood, the accusations against him of helping the Igbos and the rebel leader ODUMEGWU OJUKWU in the breakaway of Biafra, the role he played in June 12 election, his arrest, his freedom and how he tried to steal one of our lost treasures from art collector’s private museum outside Nigeria.
The historical movie tells the untold story from his childhood, the accusations against him of helping the Igbos and the rebel leader ODUMEGWU OJUKWU in the breakaway of Biafra, the role he played in June 12 election, his arrest, his freedom and how he tried to steal one of our lost treasures from art collector's private museum outside Nigeria.